Yesterday morning I took Star, my little Corgi to Unleashed by Petco, on Yulupa, for a wash. At almost 14 years of age, Star is a veteran, and very well-behaved...even for baths. This was a Sunday where Rescue dogs were on parade, looking for their new "Forever homes". The group is called California Animal Rescue. These were all small dogs, and I must admit to being tempted to stick a couple in my pocket on the way out.
At the tub next to me was a young lady named Bailey. She had appointed herself the task of washing all the little rescue dogs, so they would have a better chnace of finding a home. As a dog-washer, Bailey put me to shame. In the time it took me to wash Star, she washed and dried three little rescue dogs.
Evidentally they live at her house, as she know them by name. She was gentle but efficient at her washing, and used a technique I have never tried. She rubbed soap on the dogs, then added water, so the washing and rinsing happened almost simultaneously! She even got in a little conditioner at the end.
What an amazing young person...and what great parents! Bailey told me she does this "pretty much every Sunday". As the owner of 2 rescue German Shepherds, I am foreve in awe of and grateful to all those folks who have the dedication to rescue and foster animals. I know that when their time comes, those people will have a special place at the Rainbow Bridge.
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