Friday, March 8, 2013

Daisy Mae's New Harness

Several weeks ago, when I was away from home for agility trials, I thought Daisy Mae had a bladder infection. Concerned about having problems in the middle of the night, while staying at a hotel, I took her to a local vet emergency clinic. Daisy Mae is a very sweet shepherd, who loves other dogs and people, and can be challenging to control in exciting situations. so, I entered with Daisy Mae on a prong collar. She was a good girl and I didn't have to correct her, so I was very happy.

I am a believer in prong collars, for certain dogs, in certain situations. When I walk both of my shepherds, they are both in prong collars. I have had surgery on both of my shoulders...and don't want a repeat. 150 pounds of GSD could easily pull me over if they both went after a cat at the same time!

Back to the vet's we were waiting our turn, I heard someone from accross the room make a comment about people who use cruel collars and don't bother to train their dogs. (Yep, it was aimed at me) If you know me, you will know that it took extreme restraint to keep from responding...!

So, when I saw these harnesses, I thought I would give it a shot. This is by Cesar Milan "The Dog Whisperer". I am not a fan, and never watch his show. To be honest, it was the color that attracted me at first! But, I really like the fabric; it is strong but pliable, and doesn't restrict her movement. It also has not caused any chaffing under her arms. I have found I can give one "pop" on the leash and she listens and stops pulling. This harness is easy to put on the dog, once fitted. Put it on the ground and put each front foot in it's loop, pull up and snap.

Now, Saber says he wants one too!!!

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