Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Patches-A Puppy Story

When Patches first joined puppy class in late 2012, he was afraid of everything...especially dogs and people. he screamed and barked for several of his first classes. His tail was clamped tightly against his body as he hid behind his Mom, Jessica. He was so scared that he wouldn't eat...not even the tastiest of treats. Any attempt at socialization with other puppies impossible!

In his second session, things finally started to turn around. Each victory,no matter how small, was a celebration...less barking, tail up, able to focus and work...and eat treats, and finally able to be near other pups without growling, barking or carrying on.

At home his progress was equally dramatic, like the week Jessica came in and told me that the vet was able to touch Patches and carry him into the back room. or, the fact that he escaped into the neighbor's back yard but came the first time he was called!!

We provided the structure for Jessica and Patches to work and grow, but it was their hard work that made the difference.He is a lucky little dog to have such a wonderful home! And now on to try some agility!

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